Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Financial BF

Conversation with Ringgit today prompted or rather brought my memory back to another guy I met years ago, I told Ringgit today I need a boyfriend who is good in financial planning or accounting ……ok, moons ago - my Uni best friend introduced him to me. Back then he was an accountant. He’s very calculative, and serious in his work …I mean now I can understand why he was so serious in his work, because that time, we were young, energetic, just entered the working world, in the 20’s mah, we had this tendency to ‘pok’, treating that time as golden time to work hard, climb ladder, to accumulate wealth …..Back then, he was working full time, loaded with work and audits, plus his master studies. I dislike arrogant, calculative, low principled, talk nonsense kind of guy – that’s the first look – and disqualify lioa. Sometimes I wonder, is this fair to the other party ? fair to me ? Well, I suppose fair is not the question here, I think both parties just need to be comfortable with each other loh ( he may also dislike me for something I have, vice versa) . I think timing is important ….as we walk thru the journey, things, people, environment change …..now, if he appeared in front of me …we may have changed, and things may work out ….who knows, if that happens, the current requirement is that he needs to manage my financial investments and all my portfolios ….a bit of programming logic and day dreaming ..haha

If him
If he = Financial expert
Then Goto Early Retirement Routine
Goto Next Planning Routine

Next …

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