Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Thing Happen To Me For Reasons

Hi , here I am again ...working late with my US users , fixing problem

2 things that I want to 'blog down' : -

a) If my trip is ON, I doubt I can hop on to the flight as well this point, my boss needs me. So this is like god knows what will happen, and defer me upfront. Now, I can peacefully sit in front of my notebook, broadband, teleconfenrence - and do my job, avoiding a potential outage is the smartest cool thing, that is what I am paid for ....especially during this year end closing , boy boy boy I lucky or what ? :)

b) My counterparts and users are so so concern of me, all kept asking me AM I OK ? Some also prayed for my safety when they heard about Asia Tsunami .... geee...should I be grateful ? One of my user emailed me after I talked to her on the phone ...."I’m really glad to hear from you today – you don’t know how many emails I started yesterday – words were just so inept"

You know, knowing that someone is out there , concering about me - is indeed a blessing ....I have to pray for 'thankfulness' this early morning ! I'm not sure what I did to deserve all these good helper 'kuai yan' or good luck or good synchronicity. I truly appreciate them .... 10 Q !

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