Friday, July 29, 2005

Little Elmo

Bahija learned about Elmo from my new litte friend, Little Elmo. Elmo is the red toy from Sesame Street. Little Elmo is 2 years old, he's HT son. Little Elmo has dark brown eyes ...such a sweetie, adorable boy, we clicked so well (may be because I brought him his favourite toy - elmo- hahaha). OH, my heart melted when he came to me, hugged me, kissed me, held my hand, walked along with me, allowed me to put him to sleep, read bedtime stories to me... Saturday & Sunday, Bahija is pinjam-ing his mum for a short sightseeing tour to Florence, Hillsboro & Portland....too bad, I can't bring Little Elmo along - as we only have limited time to cover a few places. Thank you JT - for taking care of Little Elmo, so that HT can go with me , and enjoy our ladies days /nights out !


Kancil said...

Potential Mother :)
I bought my wireless Router last friday. You know, I took the whole NSC team to help me to get the router. Wow.... Super VIP treatment leh? The team that monitor the Global network help a person to get a wireless router. Hahaha....

rotitelur said...

Elmo is such a beautiful boy. His look change everytime I see his photo.