It's the end of the year and the month of December, bahija usually wish to be off work by now or away for vacation... But this year, both tak jadi.... So today when I sent my car for service near 1u, I decided to take a super quick getaway...walked to bus station, paid $9.60, boarded a bus to genting. Had lunch, redeemed my free Starbucks coffee, enjoyed the cool air for a while, reflected on my 2011 and my well being, set some goals ..and now waiting to board the bus back to 1U, collecting my car and go home happily...
P/s : I saw many uncles and aunties waiting for buses at this hour (3 to 4pm), heard they said going home to cook how much they have lost, aiiii, it's scary to be a gambler. The transportation is so convenient that one can sneak out to Judi and return with dinner, that the family member pun tak perasan their parent dah buang so much money away ....
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
New work place
Bahija left in-kei June 2008, left the so called IT intelligent city...Since then bahija has been enjoying the breeze of working in KL, super close to house, no jam, no the saying 'good things don't last forever'. Today bahija is back to the old place, new building and currently it is the tallest building in this area, I think... Be here for min 3 years :) there are a lot of nice parks around here, hope I make use of the facilities ....
Monday, November 14, 2011
high expenses
lately Bahija not happy with the mthly expenses .... the major culprit is the sweetie car la. Aiii , last time the previous sweety changed absorbers pun in hundreds. Now - I got a SHOCK in office when the service man called and told me it will cost me RM5000+ to change my absorbers. I stunt, all this years, in my mind - I only pay that amount to fix a car in an accident lor, never in maintenance punya lor ..... aii, I opted cheaper version, didn't do it at the original dealer service center, went to Ah Kow car repair center to get it done for RM 3000 ...still mahal for me ..... today, my right headlight light bulb rosak, went to check price - aiyuh , RM 95 to tukar light bulb ...again, I chicken out , will go see Ah Kow again, hopefully the cost is < RM 50 la, I just paid insurance and road tax today - total RM 1400 .... aiiii , thesesday very dahsyat, asyik aje pay 4-digits expenses ....
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
vss ???
Tonight so happening... 2 person came to me separately , asked me if they should volunteer and sign up for VSS ( volunteering separation scheme ). My advice is if the person is 'fed up' and not happy at where he/she is right now, and not many family commitment , and still able to get job elsewhere, WHY NOT ? take it , after all, a durian runtuh lump sum payout money - doesn't come often. Plus , CHANGE could be good for us , sometimes .....I know my 2 friends wanted the package very much now, I wish you all the best, when dapat - can belanja big makan deee :)
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Bahija started a new contract on Nov 1, 2011 .....'ong' date yea :) .... another 3 years to go for the same customer. Previous 3 years, I believed my team did well, we managed to improve quite a lot of things, that is why customer 'stepped out' and 'fight' for us from our giant competitor I-kei. Indeed , how cool could that be, we must have done well. Moving on, we have a lot of new exciting stuffs, I have to keep learning, keep cracking my heads for new skills, new training, new initiatives ... SYABAS !
Recalled back , first contract ended june 30. July - 1 month off - lepak to the max. Aug - went to USA/Canada. Sept/Oct - 2 mths temporary work contract. Nov onwards - back to employment. Bahija just Thank God for the provision and the great timing :)
As I always shared my proud career path : 6 yrs with I-kei , 6 yrs with In-kei, and now going to be 6 yrs with IR-kei , all 3 companies started with 'I' ..... I love them all !
Sunday, October 30, 2011
new family member
Today my family celebrated baby full moon. My little nephew HoHo full moon, he is so leng chai, so cute and little ..... just adorable la. Me , the Ah Yee - love to hug hug him, talk to him, smile to him. His parent named him HoHo - to signify 'peace' , 'harmony' .... I love the scene where grandma hug him, hold him in her wrinckled hands and grandma talk to baby while baby look at grandma and smile - just have to treasure all those sweet moments, as time flies .... one growing up stronger and one growing older weaker ......
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
A good offer
2 weeks ago, bahija was offered a fantastic job opportunity, fantastic not because of the remuneration package, more on the environment. It was a temp work in Melbourne, and renewable. To me, that's a great offer for me to test working and living in Mel. But but but one of the major stopper for me is that I myself not very ok to leave due to family commitment. It's sad and I heart sore too... To the lovely friend who helped me in this offer, thank you very very much !
Aiiiiii, kek sim :)
Aiiiiii, kek sim :)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Blogger on iphone
Hello All ! My technical adviser asked me to download free google blogger, viola here I am now blogging from my iPhone.
Happy mooncake festival.
Happy mooncake festival.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
a great summer vacation
Glad to chat and skype with YaYa , Chu Chu and HT and my american host family who are now staying in Virginia.
Timing wise - it's perfect, August is fasting month, usually less work issues during this month, so perfect time for me to be overseas, PLUS my contract ended, so I could 'break-free' and just enjoy to the max without any 'liability'. On top of that, found a good special child center which could take in my brother and take care of him. All in all - I am grateful for everything.
Now that I have visited Canada, I kinda like Vancouver, for me, it is like San Francisco yet not so crowded. oh well, tourist view is always not the same as permanent resident .... one thing I like about Canada was immigration checked into Canada was easy and smooth within 15 mins. Likewise I spent 4 hours in LAX.
Life is short , time flies ..... 1 mth vacation over - now back to reality :)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
stress ....
A friend of mine went to a fastfood chained chicken farm up north. Her work report on the chicken farm was like this : "the team which was assigned to conduct a 100% physical inventory count decided that it was not practical to perform a 100% physical inventory count on the parent stock as the female parent stock are in the process of laying eggs. A physical count exercise may stress the female parent stock and have adverse after effect on the productivity and quality of eggs produced" ......this is a real report, the chicken is well protected - coz they are the 'rice bowl', producing eggs for $$$. I want to bring to our attention that human being is the same too, thesedays a lot of issue/diseases are caused by stress. Aiii, if we can avoid stress , that be nice , easy said than done ....
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
ino mobile phone for the elderly
Hi Hi ....part 2 of the ino phone... It is available in Challenger Computer Hypermarket Singapore. Recently, it opened its HQ in Msia at Mines Shopping complex , huge store. Now, it also opened its branch in KLCC - COOL ! smaller branch but good enough for us la...this phone is retailed at RM380, right now if you go purchase it, you get RM30 discount coupon to purchase other things in the store. So, go check it out !!!
phone for the elders
My brother in law bought this inomobile phone for his 78 years old mother. I find this practical, a good sharing. This phone is manufactured in Singapore. It has big screen with big fonts, SOS button - when this SOS button is pressed for 6 seconds, it will sms / call to 5 phone numbers will keep calling the 5 numbers until one of them replied or called back. It has a GPS feature to locate the current location of the phone as well, thus when the old folk 'terlost' somewhere, she/he can be easily found. I think this is neat, while the younger generation going after for ipad2, iphone etc etc , the elders go for ino phone ... my brother in law's mother is so happy to have her new phone, and she is on 1 month training lesson :) hehehe.... at the end of the training, there is a Mock SOS training to all her 5 phone numbers stored in her phone yea :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Bahija on air on BFM
Bahija was invited to BFM radio station, for a pre-recording session. I was invited as a caretaker for my epileptic brother, so I got a short air time to share my caretaker experience on my brother la ( on air ) was very cool for me, at the same time, also very 'kat cheong' la , to me, I could have said better things la, but it's over , great memories. After the BFM session, the neurologist belanja I lunch, was very blessed to be able to spend 1 hour with the doctor. Of course being me - the kiasu sister, I always took opportunity to squeeze in my questions about my brother la again told me, he reminded me years ago that medication will not work well for my brother, who has severe brain damaged. I challenged him and said "If there is a chance to improve his quality of life , such as reducing his seizure frequency, I will try my best to go for it...even though he is mentally challenged, he still deserve a better life ...." I felt like I was being prophesized over the lunch. Dr somehow said that everyone has a life purpose on earth, my brother is brought to this world having this epilepsy as well as mentally challenged, perhaps his purpose is just as simply as being who he is now , so that the people surrounding him can be affected. Dr said I am the one who gain the most, who learn more from him .... Wow, at that moment, it's too philosophical...but after some thought, it's true to some extents, thru him, indeed, I am a different person. I didn't tell him my side of story, here I want to say it out loud , thru my brother, not only do I gain something, I suppose I also give up a lot of things in my personal life ..... so it's complicated, hahahaha. Nevertheless, something is stirring within me , I don't know how the future will be for me .... but hope to walk thru it positively and END WELL. My pastor always said people tends to start well, but how many can end well .... I hope I make it to the 'end well' category, it's not easy .......
Saturday, July 09, 2011
group deals
with the popular group deals goin on in town .... there is so many things/activities to do at discounted price. Bahija bought a 4 hours baking class, attended that 2 weekends ago, it was great, fun and tiring - hand made bun leh ....hopefully I could practise it soon , then open house, ajak some of you over to sample yea , muahahaha
taking a break ....
Hi ALL :) After entering the workforce for 15 years, it is really great to have a small break. ( haa, not everyone has this opportunity leh ). Bahija completed her 3 years work contract, currently is taking a one month break - to relax, to run errants, to complete the outstanding personal tasks , to visit friends, to catch up with many things. Already enjoyed one week of break , so fast ....gosh, and enjoying every single moment. The only one still lack of dicipline is EXERCISE, out of 7 days, only exercised once, aiyuh. pengsan....
Saturday, February 12, 2011
i or no i ....
my phone is kind of old and out of shape lately , sometimes jam, stucked and couldn't dial the itchy thinking of iphone - but I am also worry about the additional 'unnecessary' costs .... and most important, I takut the kids will always come to me and ask to pinjam my iphone to play games, as it is , most of my friends - their kids or other kids fighting to play the iphone games ( if tak ada ipad la ). Aiii, I kiasu and kiasi sikit - if I am using an iphone, i don't really want to openly leave my phone to the kids lor , what if they ter-delete my contact, messages or ter-read my confidential things ???? If I don't pinjam, I will look like an arrogant sombong auntie whereas the rest of the uncles and aunties happily pinjam their iphone.....perhaps I am giving excuses not to spend money on this gadget, it's not time yet.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
non stop rains right before CNY
weird things happening all around us , especially the weather.... here in KL, usually Jan, Feb are the hottest dry month, yet this year , it's a wet and cooling month....friends who came back from OZ said they loved the cooling weather here, it's very unusual, and now we are just 4 days before the CNY, the weather is still wet. Today, it has been raining since 5 am this morning ( I think la, i was still in dream land ) ...... non stop rains, wonder if some folks are moving away from the flooded area, kesian lor ....meanwhile, Bahija quickly took a nap which is filled with fresh negative ions, it's very nice ......this is a treat which make me very happy and refreshed.
Kind Offer - part 2
Last sunday , talked about the kind offer....this sunday morning, it happened again, so as promised...this morning, when another kind gentleman asked to help , I almost wanted to say 'No' , BUT managed to stop on time ....I kindly said 'yes , please'. So the kind gentleman learnt to wheeled my fatso to the class, looked like his first time pushing a wheel chair, I was glad that he helped and he learned about one of the way to use wheelchair :) , it's not a bad experience after all. I am so used to doing most of the things by myself, the good term is called 'independent' , the bad term is called 'san fu'....I'm going to learn to let go more and let others help as and when I can la ....enjoy their company, PTL !
Monday, January 24, 2011
teddy bear is away for 5 days ....
As I am writing my post here, I am missing my teddy bear :( . I sent him to a home care last night, spent 1 night with him at the center, left the home this morning at 11 am, teddy bear looked sad when I said bye-bye to him. I know the owner of the center, met her at one of the special children center. She bought a spacious corner house, her family stayed upper level, and down stairs is for school. She takes care of any kind of special children from 9 am to 5pm. Her husband leaves the house at 7 am, drive around town to pick up the special children from Ara Damansara, Puchong, Old Klang Road and Subang. I like this idea, at least this will free the parent's or guardian's time. Teddy bear is her FIRST day-care 'business'. Teddy bear is staying in a small room downstairs. He sleeps by himself at night. Bahija have asked many people to pray for him since last week, we hope he is doing well at the center. This is a testing programme, there will be times where my mum and myself needed some break, and we need someone to take care of him. So, we hope this home care is good for him and things work out well for all of us. The good part about this place is that it is not the miserable old folks home, it is a center for the special children, the teacher will teach him some fine and cross motor activities. I hope he enjoys his stay there, missing him so much liow, sort of feeling 'kelian' for him, to send him away at a home care lor ..aiii, he's so kuay, I told him days ago about the plan, and he seem to understand the arrangement, kuay-kuay obliged padahal deep in his heart, perhaps he wish he could be cared for at his own sweet home .....
Sunday, January 23, 2011
kind offer ....
Every sunday morning, Bahija brings teddy bear to church, to attend the special children ministry aka special kids training. I am a co-teacher as well as a helper, and teddy bear is one of the student. This morning, as usual, we arrived at church around 8:45 am, I parked my car at the handicapped spot, then brought down the wheel-chair, then settled teddy bear. While doing this, a kind hearted gentleman purposely walked to me, and asked 'Do you need any help ?' ...he knew I was parking at a handicapped area with wheel chair, thus he came to offer his help....BUT BUT BUT this dumb Bahija , I was fast to reply 'no need, it's ok, thank you very much ....'. While I was walking to the class, I started to analyze...I think I should have accepted his kind offer, and let him help wheeled my teddy bear, since he was kind to ask ma ....but I didn't give face and quickly turned down his offer. See, situation like this, I should have enjoy the kind offer, macam la delegate the work a bit ...aiii - I told myself - in future, if I ever get an offer from a trustworthy person, I will be more than happy to say 'Yes, please ....' :)
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
tonite's dinner
new starbie coffee
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