Thursday, May 11, 2006

free trip ????

Last year or so, a friend from Northern part told me about an all-expense paid trip to Europe, and the condition is to help purchase branded goods. Back then, I was curious, was that information reliable, sound too good to be true ? Bahija & friends want to enjoy the overseas trip, we want to be able to stop at places we like to see, do all the sight seeings, rather than being tied down with the shopping trips. Thus, we decided not to participate. Last night read the Star Cloned Credit Card Scam –aiyuh yuh – the story fit 100% , I am just glad we didn’t participate and do the illegal things … it is using cloned credit cards to purchase the branded goods. Thesedays, it is very rare to have ‘free lunches’ – we have to be careful, not to 贪小便宜 ….


Kancil said...

yayaya... luckily.

Kancil said...

but is a good idea to earn your flyer miles. :P

不精な猫 said...

hahah... i agreed.

on the other hand, all expanse Europe trip could also mean Prison trip, as everything is free :P