Last Sunday, the church I'm visiting had a Baptism ceremony. And it was my first experience witnessing the water baptism thingy. I'm happy for those who participated. However, the whole exercise put me into 'fear'..... I don't know why - but I do know I'm not ready yet - I've QT with Father Lord that he has got to work with me on this. I takut pastor come ask me to attend class - and do it loh - which I'm goin to tell pastor - I can't do this yet ................
1 comment:
I received this from Rotitelur in my email - it is well written - fit into this comment corner :)
" Baptism is a commitment you made to God in public.
Think this way, if a man loves you, live with you, want to have kids with you but he does not want to marry you and say his vow in public, how would you feel?
To me, baptism is the same. Our problem is we are not 100% committed because we cannot obey God 100%. We want to wait till we can, wait for the time we are ready to obey 100%
I dunno if that time ever come. I think it is more like you do it now or never. "
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